Assisted Living at Peninsula Reflections
Assisted Living at Peninsula Reflections provides personalized care for residents who need assistance with their daily activities but still want to maintain their independence, vitality, and sense of purpose. Regain the ability to pursue your interests with just the support you need. Go about your day with the assurance that a helping hand is available any time it’s required.
Assisted Living Services
- Private and semi-private rooms
- 24-hour care under the direction of a licensed nurse
- Assessment and regular meetings with caregivers and families
- Nutritionally balanced meals and special diets
- Well-kept, clean, safe, home like environment
- Variety of events and activities
A Supportive & Comfortable Home
Peninsula Reflections offers upscale, private and semi-private Assisted Living suites that provide plenty of space for your personal belongings.
Take a look at our floor plans, then contact our helpful team to schedule a tour of our wonderful community on the peninsula.